понедельник, 17 февраля 2014 г.

вторник, 4 февраля 2014 г.

Some scethes of a new character's concept for my project - comrade Sakharov

'Zymosis' project is going on.

'Pure design' set.

Back to Oz Project. Time spent: 4 weeks. Available on facebook Slots Craze

Main screen for iOs

Fullscreen for facebook.

Layouts for bonus game

Ancient beauty in progress.

Music Pete Namlook - Ancient Beauty
The Dimond Diner Project. One of my favourites.
Time spen as always 4 weeks for static art. Thanks for my crew, they was doing their best indeed!



Loading screen


Main screen

Sketches, concepts

Project: Larry in Egypt. Time spent: 4 weeks. Was working on: the main scree, bonus game, dialogs, charackters.